Monday, June 25, 2007

Inspiration - only $19.98

Despite my heavy-handed, judgmental tone in my first blog entry, I actually am quite a delight to be around – and I truly do want to change the world. At times though I get discouraged and question if I can really make a difference with my own little life. But then I snap myself out of it and remember that… if I didn’t believe one person could have an effect on the world, I would have a crappy desk job that I hate and watch the Food Channel every night. I do what I do out of a commitment to make a difference - even if I only reach one person a week. I have a website and a blog and I speak to organizations in order to make people think and empower them.

I just heard about something that further renewed my faith in this mission. Sarah Jessica Parker has designed a new clothing line. Now – being a huge fan of Sex and the City (people actually say I am a lot like Carrie Bradshaw) and knowing about SJP’s (and Carrie’s) much hyped love affair with Manolo Blahnik, I expected her collection to be couture beyond couture. It isn’t. The line, called Bitten, is designed for sizes 0-22 (most go to 12) and contains nothing over $19.98. Unbelievable. One of the tag lines is “Fashion is not a Luxury; it is a Right.” Also - Bitten is available exclusively at one retailer (Steve & Barry’s) who does no advertising. Check out:

This is great for a lot of reasons. SJP never has to work another day in her life and could easily forget about the “little people” in the world who work long hours for little money and cannot afford $200 designer jeans. But she hasn’t. In fact, she has created Bitten specifically for people like them. Also – this line solves a problem for many people whose weight fluctuates and cannot buy a designer wardrobe for every size they move through.

Bitten is a perfect example of a simple concept that has the potential to do a lot of good. I see it in my work all the time. People feeling good because of one great shirt or necklace… it can literally alter their lives. So, this is what keeps me going. The idea that we can all have an impact, even in small ways – and all these small ways combined together will make a huge difference.

I’m inspired – how about you?